Monday, 23 February 2015

Teddy Bears Picnic

On Friday, the Prep's teddies came to school for our Teddy Bears Picnic. Everyone was very excited to introduce their teddies to their friends and teachers! We all ate lunch together (including some little teddy bear biscuits) and talked about why our teddies are special to us. 

The Preps will use this experience as a stimulus for their writing.

The Preps

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Parent Helpers

 Dear Parents & Caregivers,

We are looking for volunteers from parents and family members as helpers in our learning area. Parent helper roles will include; listening to students read, tidying up, sorting out and helping students borrow library books, preparing fruit for a snack, and other tasks involved with supporting student learning.

Before we open up the classroom to helpers, we are having a short training session on Tuesday 3rd of March at 4pm in the Prep classroom.

In order to help in the classroom, you are required to have a volunteer Working with Children Check card that you can apply for online. Once you have your card, please bring it to the front office so we may take a copy of it for our file. You will also be required to sign our parent helper privacy policy form.

Unfortunately, due to the large number of students in our area, parent helpers are not able to bring small children to school while they help out. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience.

We really appreciate the support of our parents, and we are looking forward to seeing you!  If you have any questions please feel free to email or speak to me about them regarding parent helpers.

Kind Regards,

The Prep Team

Miss Jennah, Freya, Kellie and Mary

Developmental Play

The Preps have been at school for 12 days now, time flies when you're having fun!

Developmental Play occurs every day in Prep. It is a time for students to get to know each other, their teachers and classroom, to develop communication skills, consolidate their learning, practice behavioural norms (like sharing, turn taking) and school rules (such as looking after our things, being kind, listening to the teachers and moving safely around the room).