Tuesday, 27 May 2014

We Made Sushi!

Our integrated topic this term focuses on Japan and since we were learning about the different types of Japanese food, we thought we would try and make some sushi!

"We put down the seaweed"

 "We added some rice"

"We made sure it was all together"

"We put in some bamboo, cucumber and carrot"

 "We rolled it very tight, so the rice didn't fall out"

 "We cut it into pieces to share"

And then it was time to taste!


The Preps

Show & Tell

Parents & Carers

Show and Tell has changed to Fridays!

Just a reminder that Show and Tell is an opportunity for students to practice their language skills by sharing a special object or story.

The Prep Team

Monday, 19 May 2014

Mathletics At Home

Late last term, students were given individual logins for Mathletics and we have received great feedback on the program. We are encouraging all families to regularly use Mathletics as it assists with engaging students with maths and increasing their motivation to learn. Mathletics is adaptive which means that it responds to the individual student’s strengths and weaknesses and students instantly know if they are on the right track and can work through the curriculum at their own pace. 

Live Mathletics is another exciting element of the program, where students can compete against others from around the world. Lastly, the results flow seamlessly between home and school so you can stay informed of your child’s progress. 

If you are unable to locate your child's log in, it should be stapled into the back of their home reader log. However, it is no longer attached, please feel free to ask one of the teachers to print off another copy.

Below is a video for parents about the benefit of using Mathletics:

Me & My Family

In Term 2, the Preps have been learning about families. Our integrated topic (Me and My Family) assists with the transition from home and kinder to school through making links between these areas and by getting to know students and parents. The Preps will develop their early skills by talking to groups of children, talking, writing and drawing about personal experiences and using simple thinking tools, such as mind maps and T-charts. 

This week, the Preps will be making class world maps, which will require them to know where their families originated from. We ask that parents and caregivers discuss this with the students, as it will assist the students with connecting to this topic and will provide a rich opportunity to develop their vocabulary in this area. 

We look forward to sharing our family world maps with you,

The Preps